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So what Trusts can I use to protect my assets on death? There are several types of Trusts you can put in your Will to ensure your assets at death will reach your chosen beneficiaries. Firstly there is a Property Protection Trust which can provide a protective shelter...

So what is RNRB?

Government has introduced a new allowance for Inheritance Tax in addition to the current Nil Rate band of £325,000 per person It is called Residence Nil Rate Band ( RNRB ) Where a person dies on or after 6 April 2017 and leaves the home to direct descendants ( and...

How to lose your home

An article in the latest Mail on Sunday illustrates how you can lose your home by not updating your Will to cover current circumstances. A couple had lived together unmarried for 18 years and owned the house in which they lived as ‘Tenants in Common’. The...

I already have a Will

The number of times people have said that to me when asked to make a Will. ”I already have one. Made it years ago” How naïve to think that it covers current circumstances or up to date legislation. Any Will should be reviewed at least every three years to...

Simon Cowell knows when

It is reported today that Simon Cowell has had a DNA test which tells him when he is going to die. Apparently he is good for another 40 years yet. This will certainly give him time to plan his affairs to ensure the maximum part of his estate will reach his loved ones...