01522 789903

Are You really prepared for Coved?

Provided we all follow the lockdown rules then we can assume we are doing sufficient to meet the Coved crisis But are we prepared if we catch the virus? If it knocks us seriously ill and we become unable to manage our affairs either financial or healthwise who will do...

Is your Mirror secure?

Many married couples and unmarried partners have prepared Wills leaving everything to each other and then to children or other family members. These are known as Mirror Wills. Usually they are sufficient for happy close knit families with each believing everything is...


Coved 19 has caused many members of the public to concentrate their minds of the possible consequences of having the virus. Inevitably the prospect of sudden,unexpected death has meant more attention to the implementation of a Will to secure the future of loved ones...

A Right to Reside

A Right of Residence is something you can include in your Will. If you own a house and want to make sure that someone can continue to live in it after you die one of your options is to create a Right of Residence for them. This will make sure that the person keeps the...


So what Trusts can I use to protect my assets on death? There are several types of Trusts you can put in your Will to ensure your assets at death will reach your chosen beneficiaries. Firstly there is a Property Protection Trust which can provide a protective shelter...