by David Dexter | Mar 25, 2020 | Latest News
The onset of this virus has made people more aware of the necessity of having a Will. It also begs the question as to whether or not this means that Will Writing is an essential business. Usually, to take instructions, face to face meetings are held to explain the...
by David Dexter | May 11, 2018 | Advice Articles
If you want a protective shelter for your property and assets after your death then a Discretionary Trust can be built into your Will This type of Trust can be used if your intended beneficiary (ie someone you are leaving some or all of your assets to ) is:- Not happy...
by David Dexter | Apr 15, 2018 | Advice Articles, Will Writing
Anyone who has a family, or owns assets and savings, should make a Will. But what sort of Will should you make and why? For a single person the Basic Single Will sets out what should happen their estate when they die. It guarantees nothing but sets out how the assets...
by David Dexter | Mar 20, 2017 | Latest News
Research carried out for the Royal London Insurance Company found that bills for a typical stay in a care home were likely to be between £50000 and £93000.and that the total would mean a loss of between a fifth and a half of the value of an average house. It found...
by David Dexter | May 13, 2014 | Latest News
The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries has now produced a report which indicates that as a result of the ‘hidden charges’ for care the Government’s pledge of a £72K cap will cost on average £140K . Their research also found that only one in ten...