by David Dexter | May 7, 2020 | Advice Articles, Latest News
At the beginning of this new year 2020,with all it’s great potential for the next decade,who would have predicted over 30000 deaths within a matter of 4 months from an unknown disease called Corona Virus. It has always been accepted that death for everyone is...
by David Dexter | Oct 2, 2018 | Advice Articles
Apart from the normal needs of a home,food to eat,clothes to wear,money to spend, age also brings a desire to protect what you have and to ensure it is used to provide for those needs. In addition the need to know where all your built up savings and property will go...
by David Dexter | Jun 14, 2015 | Latest News
Announced in the press today is the marriage of a 103 year old man with a ninety one year old woman. Great news and may they enjoy much future time together. They met about almost thirty years ago when the groom was 76. Between them they have they have 7 children and...
by David Dexter | Apr 8, 2013 | Latest News
New guidelines have been published to create more awareness about the use of Lasting Powers of Attorney. In addition improvements have been made to speed up the process of registering these documents with the Office of the Public Guardian which authorises the use of...