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According to a report in the Observer newspaper members of the Coalition Government are already divided over proposals included in a review to be published within days on the subject of old age care. Apparently the recommendations in the government-commissioned review suggest that the middle classes should pay the first £35000 of their old age care. ‘Middle Classes’ are defined in the proposals as ‘those with better than modest assets’

The amount they need to pay would be capped which.it is believed, would encourage insurers to offer cover.

Economist Andrew Dilnot the author of the report will apparently say rhat people should pay between £35000 and £50000 towards the cost of care before the state steps in.

Whatever the figure ,it is  more than likely that for many years to come people’s homes will still be at risk . Insurance cover will take some considerable time to become effective and even then many people will not be able to afford this additional expense to their presently overstretched budgets. The answer remains with Property Protection Cover offered by Collective Legal Solutions for both single persons or married couples so says David Dexter the Lincoln Associate. Such cover can be incorporated in the Wills of married couples or in stand alone trusts for single persons.  Persons who have paid NIC contributions all of their working lives should not be charged again for care by insurance premiums or actual fees ,he said.