01522 789903

A Right of Residence is something you can include in your Will

If you own a house and want to make sure that someone can continue living there after your death one of your options is to create a Right of Residence for them. This will make sure that the person keeps the roof over their head subject to any conditions you choose, such as:

*they pay no rent

*they insure the property

*they keep it in good repair

You are also able to choose when the Right of Residence shall end. For example, you can have it ending when the person moves out, dies or marries or after a set period of time after you die which would allow the person to come to terms with your death.

A right of Residence does have a number of limitations, however, so it may be more appropriate to consider a trust instead.

A Property Protection Trust in your Will can guarantee your beneficiaries a definite inheritance from your estate whatever happens after your death . It also includes free occupation by your spouse/partner for their lifetime.

Careful planning will be needed to identify the most appropriate option for you.

David DexterFCA
