by David Dexter | Jun 14, 2016 | Latest News
Dying without a will is dying intestate and statutory rules apply to the distribution of your assets. If at death you were married or in a civil partnership your spouse/partner inherits the first £250k If there are any children(incl. adopted /illegitimate) and the...
by David Dexter | Apr 15, 2016 | Latest News
David Cameron appears to have received a swathe of criticism over a gift received from his mother soon after his fathers death. Without knowing the full facts it can only be assumed that his mum is trying to take advantage of the 7 year rule whereby her estate is...
by David Dexter | Feb 21, 2016 | Latest News
Whilst Inheritance Tax has been subjected to additional relief from 2017 there are plans afoot to increase the cost of obtaining probate. Executors of Wills need a grant of probate before dealing with the property, money and possessions of a deceased person. The...
by David Dexter | Feb 8, 2016 | Latest News
An article in the latest Mail on Sunday illustrates how you can lose your home by not updating your Will to cover current circumstances. A couple had lived together unmarried for 18 years and owned the house in which they lived as ‘Tenants in Common’. The...
by David Dexter | Nov 15, 2015 | Advice Articles, Will Writing
Having written Wills for over a good long period I am now hearing from clients who instructed me years ago. For a whole variety of reasons they need their original Will updated. It can be a change of Executors for example where the originals have died or moved on....