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Cap on Care only to benefit 1 in 8
Ministers have now admitted the proposed new legislation to be introduced by 2017 will only help 12% of older people. Those who have to go into care will still be liable for the whole of their care costs if their assets,including their home, exceed £118000. Below this...
Difficult Executors-Personally liable
A recent case where Executors of a Will are failing to claim the proceeds of an insurance policy indicates the personal liability attaching to their duties. The proper administration of a Will , which is called Probate, is the responsibility of the named Executors. In...
Divorced,Single Parent,Unmarried Couple? You need a Will
Modern day living governed by out of date legislation can often mean your assets finishing up in the wrong hands after death. If you have recently divorced a new Will is essential for both parties especially where existing Wills bequeathed everything to each spouse...
Business Owner Dies
The death of a Business Owner should not necessarily be the death of the Business. A properly drawn Will containing a Business Trust can clearly define how the Business continues and who will own/operate it. A family should not lose this very valuable asset because of...
Deathbed Wills.
An interesting case is being pursued through the Courts at present. The daughter of a man who died of throat cancer is contesting a Will that was signed on his deathbed. The Will divided his estate between his sisters, a brother and two children of another sister. It...
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Construct a useful Will