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Modern day living governed by out of date legislation can often mean your assets finishing up in the wrong hands after death.

If you have recently divorced a new Will is essential for both parties especially where existing Wills bequeathed everything to each spouse initially.

Single parents with under age children need a Will to name a guardian who will look after the child to the age of 18 in the event of the parents death before that date. Without a named Guardian the local authorities may have to step in and appoint one.

Unmarried couples who live together and acquire assets jointly or even have assets in their own name need a Will each to determine what will happen on the death of either party. Remember nothing is automatic where unmarried partnerships are concerned and the unexpected death of one can cause tremendous upset and trauma for the survivor.

The Laws of Intestacy which apply where no Will is made were drawn up in a completely different era to that which prevails today. Victorian laws for 21st Century living are not appropriate in a huge number of cases.

It is vital therefore to make a valid Will .