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It is a wonderful thing to start a new family.
All the preparations that go into providing food,clothing,shelter and entertainment prior to the arrival and then the wonderful care and attention that follow.
It certainly takes over family life for many years into the future and beyond.
However the ‘What if’ factor can raise it’s ugly head when thoughts turn to the future.
What if anything should happen to mum and dad? What will happen to the young family member then? Who will care and raise the infant? Who will provide for maintenance until the child reaches maturity? Is State care the only answer?
Well the answer of course is in your own hands. As soon as you have a family then make a Will. In it you can clearly state who the Guardians of your children will be in the event of your death. This ensures your family will be properly cared for by people you trust and allow proper maintenance from your eatate for their care and upbringing.
A simple Will can give you peace of mind for the first eighteen years of your new family life

David Dexter