01522 789903

We all know how inconvenient and uncomfortable it is when the electricity or gas goes off at home and we lose the power to carry out the normal functions of ordinary living. Fortunately in this day and age it doesn’t last too long and sometimes we can even claim compensation for any loss or trouble involved.

Not so however if we lose control of our money supply or that of our partner’s if they usually pay all the household bills.

An unforseen accident or the onset of dementia or even a sudden stroke can all mean control over financial affairs is no longer there and power to meet normal living costs is lost.

This is where a Power of Attorney can click in and ensure there is minimum interruption to everyday living.

Any person with responsibility for a spouse or partner or other  family members should  have a Power of Attorney  prepared and ready to use for just such an emergency. It is too late once the emergency occurs to take this action and loved ones could find themselves with a loss of power that causes them  much disruption and major costs to put right.

Act now and complete the contact form for your Power of Attorney to become reality.