by David Dexter | Sep 19, 2015 | Advice Articles, Latest News
When the sun shines and life feels good the thought of dying is far from your mind. You feel as though you are going to live for ever. Unfortunately that is not the case as death is inevitable. What is even worse it is unpredictable. Many deaths reported in the press...
by David Dexter | Apr 15, 2015 | Latest News
One party has promised an increase in the basic rate relief for Inheritance Tax. For married couples and civil partners they are increasing the joint thresholds from the present £650k to £1m based on the value of their residence. They herald it as a major boost for...
by David Dexter | Mar 11, 2015 | Advice Articles, Latest News
With the new legislation on Pension Pot withdrawals coming into force from April 2015 there are considerable risks for those who take out large lump sums. The immediate effect is to increase the value of your estate for Inheritance Tax purposes. A large withdrawal...
by David Dexter | Feb 3, 2015 | Latest News
The provisions of the Care Act 2014 come into force from April 2015 It is worthy to note that from then Local Authorities will not have the power to assess married couples/civil partners jointly for means test purposes . Each person considered for care will have to be...
by David Dexter | Oct 27, 2014 | Latest News
It is reported today that maverick socialist Tony Benn’s £5m estate will probably avoid Inheritance Tax. The reason appears to be because it was placed in Trust after the death of his late wife. Tax experts say it is likely a ‘deed of variation’ was...